Marvin and the Dreadful News
This post is painful and disturbing. Something terrible happened, and Marvin feels partly to blame. The consequences of our words and lives, even when we have the best intentions, can be unbelievably devastating..I am in contact with Marvin and talking about having him come back North to be with family and friends right now.
Struggling to find the right words.
I´ve been in a simliar situation and I can only say that although you feel responsible you musn´t blame yourself for what happend. You have my sympathies.
Marvin mentioned people in the church, including in the youth group, with which others wanted him to work. Marvin felt it was best to wait for those in need of his ministry to come to him, as opposed to going out on a "witch hunt."
Shalom, Marvin.
I'm so sorry, Marvin. This is indeed painful. I understand the pain because I had a similar emotions for a young guy who'd killed himself in the village surrounding my college (now, alma mater). While I never actually knew exactly what drove him to suicide because we never talked about sexuality, my gut ached because I kept wishing we had talked about it. It was the "elephant on the table" that was right in our faces, and it made his passing that much sadder.
Is there a news story about this somewhere on the web?
I'm reading between the lines here....but if this boys was dealing with same sex attraction.....
As a Christian, it pains me to think that the Church has made life so unbearable for this boy.
Again, if this is the case (and I don't know for sure), it makes me angry.
I don't mean this Church in particular...but the universal Church as whole.
I, too, would like to know if there is a news story that can be linked to....
Those parents really need your loving heart and voice of reason. I can only imagine what some of those less sensitive might say to them which could get in the way of God's ultimate plan. He always has a way to turn our heartache around to His glory....maybe you are needed now more than ever.
I have no words for this but you and everyone in similar situations are with me today.
I'm playing catch up today and have just heard the news. You are in my thoughts and prayers!
I want to comfort you Marvin but I don't know how. I'm sorry for your pain.
Take heart, Marvin. It's a hard spot to be in ... I know you feel responsible but there is only so much any of us can do in the end. We can only love people and hope it's enough ... and it's horrible when sometimes it isn't. Keep praying and listening ... Much peace ...
Marvin you jackass now maybe you will see what that stupid religion of your's makes people do! SHAME SHAME ON YOU
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